Centre Interdisciplinaire
de Recherche et d’Innovation
en Cybersécurité et Société


If needed, this section can contain some or all of the following:

  • A large, engaging image of the university, department, or an abstract representation of the academic field can set a professional and inspiring tone.
  • A brief welcome message or introduction that explains what visitors will find on the page. This could be a short paragraph detailing the purpose of the page, such as highlighting the academic and research achievements of the faculty.
  • Key facts, achievements or statistics about the professor or department. For instance, number of published papers, years of experience, key projects, or awards won.
  • Interactive timeline that highlights major milestones, such as significant publications, awards, and other achievements.
  • A short video where the professor introduces themselves and talk about their work and interests providing a personal touch, and making the page more engaging and approachable.
Mohand Said Allili

Mohand Said Allili

Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)
Département d'informatique et d'ingénierie

Mohand Said Allili est professeur titulaire au Département d'Informatique et d'Ingénierie de l'Université du Québec en Outaouais où il dirige le Laboratoire de recherche en Imagerie, Vision et Intelligence Artificielle (LARIVIA). Ses activités de recherche tournent autour de la vision artificielle, de l’apprentissage par ordinateur et le traitement de données multimédias, avec des applications dans l’analyse sémantique des images médicales et aériennes, et la cybersécurité.

Productions incluses dans la recherche:

AUT (Autres), BRE (Brevet), CAC (Publications arbitrées dans des actes de colloque), CNA (Communication non arbitrée), COC (Contribution à un ouvrage collectif), COF (Communication arbitrée), CRE, GRO, LIV (Livre), RAC (Revue avec comité de lecture), RAP (Rapport de recherche), RSC (Revue sans comité de lecture).

Année : 1975 à 2024

Publications sélectionnées


Amirkhani, D.; Allili, M. S.; Hebbache, L.; Hammouche, N.; Lapointe, J.

Visual Concrete Bridge Defect Classification and Detection Using Deep Learning: A Systematic Review Article de journal

Dans: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, p. 1–23, 2024, ISSN: 15249050, (Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.).

Résumé | BibTeX | Liens:

Allaoui, M. L.; Allili, M. S.

MEDiXNet: A Robust Mixture of Expert Dermatological Imaging Networks for Skin Lesion Segmentation Article d'actes

Dans: IEEE Comput. Soc. Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recogn., IEEE Computer Society, 2024, ISBN: 19457928 (ISSN); 979-835031333-8 (ISBN), (Journal Abbreviation: IEEE Comput. Soc. Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recogn.).

Résumé | BibTeX | Liens:

Nouboukpo, A.; Allaoui, M. L.; Allili, M. S.

Multi-scale spatial consistency for deep semi-supervised skin lesion segmentation Article de journal

Dans: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 135, 2024, ISSN: 09521976 (ISSN), (Publisher: Elsevier Ltd).

Résumé | BibTeX | Liens:

Some Heading

If needed, this section can contain some or all of the following:

  • Recent news, updates, or upcoming events related to the professor or their department, such as guest lectures, seminars, and conferences.
  • Social media feed.
  • A quote from the professor about their philosophy on education and research or a testimonial from a peer or student adding a personal and inspirational element to the page, placing this information just above the share icons can give visitors current and relevant reasons to engage and share.
  • Call to Action to attend or participate in some even.
  • Contact Form
  • Subscribe form

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