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Bouchard, S.; Renaud, P.; Robillard, G.; St-Jacques, J.

Applications of virtual reality in clinical psychology: Illustrations with the treatment of anxiety disorders Article d'actes

Dans: Proceedings: HAVE 2002 - IEEE International Workshop on Haptic Virtual Environments and their Applications, p. 7–11, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2002, ISBN: 0780376358 (ISBN); 978-078037635-9 (ISBN), (Journal Abbreviation: Proc.: HAVE - IEEE Int. Workshop Haptic Virtual Environ. Their Appl.).

Résumé | Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: 3D games, Clinical application, Clinical applications, clinical trial, Head mounted displays, Helmet mounted displays, High costs, Immersive environment, phobias, Scientific researches, Sensory perception, Surveys, virtual reality

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