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Perreault, M.; Chartier-Otis, M.; Bélanger, C.; Marchand, A.; Zacchia, C.; Bouchard, S.

Panic with agoraphobia and social anxiety disorder: Resort to peer helping and access to treatment [Trouble panique avec agoraphobie et trouble d'anxiété sociale: Recours aux pairs-aidants et accès au traitement] Article de journal

Dans: Sante Mentale au Quebec, vol. 34, no 1, p. 187–198, 2009, ISSN: 03836320, (Publisher: Revue Sante Mentale au Quebec SMQ).

Liens | BibTeX | Étiquettes: agoraphobia, Anxiety disorder, Anxiety Disorders, article, Canada, health care delivery, Health Services Accessibility, human, Humans, panic, Panic Disorder, Quebec, Social Behavior Disorders, sociopathy, United States

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